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1350-1400 1350-1400; (adj.) Middle English (< Middle French) < Latin quietus, past participle of quiescere (see quiescent); (v.) Middle English quieten, partly derivative of the adj., partly < Late Latin quietare, derivative of quietus. Cf. coy Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition� William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 � HarperCollinsPublishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source c.1300, "freedom from disturbance or conflict; calm, stillness," from Old French quiete "rest, repose, tranquility" and directly from Latin quies (genitive quietis) "a lying still, rest, repose, peace," from PIE root *qwi- "rest" (cf.

Old Persian shiyati- Avestan shaiti- "well-being;" Avestan shyata- "happy;" Gothic hveila, Old English hwil "space of time;" see while (n.)). Late 14c. as "inactivity, rest, repose." adj. late 14c., "peaceable, at rest, restful, tranquil," from Old French quiet and directly from Latin quietus "calm, at rest, free from exertion," from quies (genitive quietis) "rest" (see quiet (n.)).

As an adverb from 1570s. Related: Quietly; quietness. v. late 14c., "subdue, lessen," from quiet (adj.) and in part from Latin quietare. From mid-15c. as "to make silent, cause to be quiet;" intransitive sense of "become quiet, be silent" is from 1791. Related: Quieted; quieting. Synonyms: quietsilentstill 1noiselesssoundlessThese adjectives mean marked by or making no sound, noise, or movement.

Quiet suggests the absence of bustle, tumult, or agitation: "life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few" (John Ruskin).Silent can suggest a profound hush: "I like the silent church before the service begins" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).Still implies lack of motion or disturbance and often connotes rest or tranquility: "But after tempest .

/ There came a day as still as heaven" (Tennyson).Noiseless and soundless imply the absence of disturbing sound: "th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time" (Shakespeare). "the soundless footsteps on the grass" (John Galsworthy).Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content.Link to this page: When I trotted, I rattled like a crate of dishes, and that annoyed me; and moreover I couldn't seem to stand that shield slatting and banging, now about my breast, now around my back; and if I dropped into a walk my joints creaked and screeched in that wearisome way that a wheelbarrow does, and as we didn't create any breeze at that gait, I was like to get fried in that stove; and besides, the quieter you went the heavier the iron set- tled down on you and the more and more tons you seemed to weigh every minute. � ^� quiddany� Quiddative� Quidde Ludwig� Quiddit� quidditative� quidditch� quiddity� quiddle� quiddler� quidnunc� quiesce� quiescence� quiescency� quiescent� quiescent tank� quiescently� quiet� quiet down� Quiet Revolution� quiet storm� quieter meaning title� Quietage� quieten� quieten down� quietener� quieter� quietism� quietist� quietistic� quietive� quietly� quietness� quietsome� quietude� quietus� quiff� quight� quill� Quill bit� Quill driver� quill feather� Quill nib� quill pen� quillai� Quillaia bark� quillback� quilled� Quilled suture� Quiller-Couch� quillet� quilling� � � ^� Quiet-Day-Curve� quiet-sun noise� quiet-title� Quiet-Zone Field� Quiet-Zone Testing� Quietage� Quietal� Quietcomfort� quieted� quieted� quieted� quieted� quieted� quieted� quieten� quieten� quieten� quieten� quieten� quieten down� quietened� quietened� quietened� quietener� quietening� quietening� quietening� quietens� quietens� quietens� quieter� quietest� quietest� quietest� quietest� quietest� quieting� quieting� quieting� quieting� quieting� quieting sensitivity� quietism� quietism� Quietism (Christian philosophy)� quietist� quietist� quietistic� quietistic� quietists� quietists� quietive� quietly� quietly� quietly� quietly� quietly� Quietly Asked Questions� Quietly Chuckling to Myself� Quietly Making Noise, LLC� quietly persevering� � � Terms of Use� Privacy policy� Feedback� Advertise with UsCopyright � 2003-2016 Farlex, Inc DisclaimerAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.A Mode Tend Parenting Partnership � Blog� BuzzWord� Open Dictionary� Recent Entries� Add a Word� About� Games� Resources� Celebrate Shakespeare� English Humour� Infographics� Quizzes� Games� Puzzles� Pragmatics� Real Grammar� Real Vocabulary� Videos� Wordlists� More Resources� API� More� About� Love English Awards� Buy� Options� Gadgets� Red Words and Stars� Clear Definitions� Real Examples� Partners� FAQ Close What are red words?90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing.

These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Close ThesaurusThe thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary.

Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. more adjective /?kwa??t / Related words� quiet noun� be quiet phrase� on the quiet phrase� quiet carriage noun� quiet as a mouse phrase� quiet coach noun at quiet carriage� anything for a quiet life phrase� keep quiet about something phrase� have a quiet word with someone phrase� keep something quiet phrase at keep quiet about something BlogA must for anyone quieter meaning an interest in the changing face of language.

The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. global English and language change from our blog Cambridge Dictionary� Dictionary� Definitions� English� Learner�s Dictionary� Essential British English� Essential American English� Translations� Bilinguals� English�Spanish Spanish�English� English�French French�English� English�German German�English� English�Indonesian Indonesian�English� Semi-bilingual� English�Arabic� English�Catalan� English�Chinese (Simplified)� English�Chinese (Traditional)� English�Italian� English�Japanese� English�Korean� English�Malaysian� English�Polish� English�Portuguese� English�Russian� English�Thai� English�Turkish� English�Vietnamese� Translate� Grammar Bilingual DictionariesClick on the arrows to change the translation direction.� English�Spanish Spanish�English� English�French French�English� English�German German�English� English�Indonesian Indonesian�English Semi-bilingual Dictionaries� English�Arabic� English�Catalan� English�Chinese (Simplified)� English�Chinese (Traditional)� English�Italian� English�Japanese� English�Korean� English�Malaysian� English�Polish� English�Portuguese� English�Russian� English�Thai� English�Turkish� English�Vietnamese More examples� The party turned out to be a quiet affair.� If you don't have anything constructive to say, I'd rather you kept quiet.� The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.� She has a quiet dignity about her.� That'll do, Timothy!

Please just sit down and keep quiet. � breath� hear� hush� hushed� keep it down idiom� keep sth down� muffle� muffled� mute� muted� noiseless� pindrop silence� quieten� quietly� radio silence� silent� trail� trail away/off� under your breath idiom� you could have heard a pin drop idiomSee more results � � breath� hear� hush� hushed� keep it down idiom� keep sth down� muffle� muffled� mute� muted� noiseless� pindrop silence� quieten� quietly� radio silence� silent� trail� trail away/off� under your breath idiom� you could have heard a pin drop idiomSee more results � � bite� clam� gob� have nothing to say for yourself idiom� hear� hold� hold your tongue idiom� incommunicado� keep (yourself) to yourself� keep your mouth shut idiom� let sth rest idiom� lost� pipe down� radio silence� rest� save your breath idiom� speak� speechless� uncommunicative� unsaidSee more results � � in Korean� in Arabic� in Malaysian� in French� in Spanish� in Russian� in Chinese (Traditional)� in Italian� in Turkish� in Polish� in Spanish� in Vietnamese� in Portuguese� in Thai� in German� in Catalan� in Japanese� in Chinese (Simplified)� in Indonesian�(??? ?? ??) ???, (??? ??? ??) ???, ?? ?? ??��?????, ?????, ?????��diam, damai, tenteram��tranquille, discret��callado, tranquilo, reservado�������, ���������, ���������酕??,???,???, ???,???, ???,????��tranquillo, silenzioso, zitto��sessiz, sakin, gurultusuz��cichy, spokojny, milczacy��callado, tranquilo, reservado��yen l?ng, thanh th?n, yen ?��quieto, calmo, sossegado��??????????, ???, ?????��ruhig, unauffallig��callat, silencios, tranquil��???, ???, ?????��??,???,???, ???,???, ???,????��diam, tenteram, tenang� � Learn� Learn� New Words� Help� In Print� Develop� Develop� Dictionary API� Double-Click Lookup� Search Widgets� License Data� About� About� Accessibility� Cambridge English� Cambridge University Press� Cookies and Privacy� Corpus� Terms of Use �� Menu�� Dictionary� Dictionary�� YD Original�� Webster's�� American Heritage�� Wiktionary�� Ologies�� Computer�� Invest�� Law���� Thesaurus�� Examples� See in a sentence�� Example articles��� Quotes�� Word Lists�� Reference� Education�� ESL�� Grammar�� Abbreviations�� Biography�� Books & Literature�� Examples�� Foreign Languages� Spanish��� Resources���� Word�Finder� Word�Finder�� 4 Pics 1 Word Answers�� Word Game Dictionary�� Words With Friends Cheat��� �� Menu�� Dictionary� Dictionary�� YD Original�� Webster's�� American Heritage�� Wiktionary�� Ologies�� Computer�� Invest�� Law���� Thesaurus�� Examples� See in a sentence�� Example articles��� Quotes�� Word Lists�� Reference� Education�� ESL�� Grammar�� Abbreviations�� Biography�� Books & Literature�� Examples�� Foreign Languages� Spanish��� Resources���� Word�Finder� Word�Finder�� 4 Pics 1 Word Answers�� Word Game Dictionary�� Words With Friends Cheat��� � more.� We were quieter than usual as we drove to our destination.� They entered a quieter wing, and Jenn stopped to knock on a closed door.� Two took her down a quieter hall and set her down.� They walked to a corner and turned away from the busy main street onto a quieter side one.� She waited until she reached a quieter side street before dialing her boyfriend. �My hostess told me she had some records I might like to hear and she called for quiet in the room.

People quieter meaning down on the floor in groups, sharing bottles of wine and slivovitz. The host put the record on a windup record player and Lester Young's saxophone yowled out of the silence.

�Maya Angelou, Gourmet, November 2002�When my parents needed peace and quiet, they didn't put me in front of the television to watch a �Baby Einstein� video; they plopped me in a chair to watch my mom do housework or cook.

�Robb Moretti, Newsweek, 5 Aug. 2002�the quiet of a wooded trail�Can I have some quiet here? I'm trying to study.�I need a little peace and quiet. �1 a : marked by little or no motion or activity : calm b : gentle, easygoing c : not interfered with < quiet reading> d : enjoyed in peace and relaxation �2 a : free from noise or uproar : still b : unobtrusive, conservative < quiet clothes>�3 : secluded �Breakfast at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, a members-only institution founded in the city now called Mumbai in 1846 by British colonial officers, is a meal of quiet elegance.

The second-story veranda looks out over a small garden and, beyond that, the Gateway of India and the Taj Mahal Hotel. Outside is the tumult of horse-drawn carriages, touts, and taxis. Inside is peaceful stillness, broken only by the sounds of crunched-on toast and rustling newspapers. �Lyla Bavadam, Saveur, October 2008�One change I notice is that I get sleepy earlier than I used to, sometimes by 8:30 or 9 if I am having a quiet evening at home.

�Andrew Weil, Time, 17 Oct. 2005�I interviewed Virginia, who is totally blind, in a small local library. Walking with her guide dog, this young-looking woman arrived soon after I came in. We found a quiet corner to sit and talk while her dog settled beside her chair.

At forty-three, Virginia was used to telling her story and found time for our interview in her busy travel schedule. She had just returned from San Francisco where she had spoken at the California Academy of Sciences and was about to leave for Montreal, Canada, to conduct workshops in diversity awareness.

�Mary Grimley Mason, Working Against Odds, 2004�Attributing their behaviors to their personal dispositions, we decide Julie is shy and Jack is outgoing. Because people do have enduring personality traits, such attributions are sometimes valid. However, we often overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of situations. In class, Jack may be as quiet as Julie. Catch Julie at a party and you may hardly recognize your quiet classmate.

�David Myers, Psychology, 2001�the quiet hum of the refrigerator�He spoke in a very quiet voice.�Surprisingly, the class was quiet.�He's a very quiet person.�She has a quiet disposition.�During the morning, business was quiet.�Some days at the store are quieter than others.�a quiet stretch of road�He led a quiet life. � transitive verb�1 : to cause to be quiet : calm�2 : to make secure by freeing from dispute or question < quiet title to a property>� intransitive verb�: to become quiet �usually used with down �Clemens had few questions to answer about Piazza.

The beanball and broken bat from 2000, and the Mets' tepid retaliation last season, were memories. And since Clemens recorded his 300th victory on June 13, the buzz around him has quieted.

�Tyler Kepner, New York Times, 29 June 2003�When she walked down the hall past his classroom, the sounds of chaos came over the frosted-glass pane above the door. She had taken to making random visits; the sight of her in the doorway quieted the kids. �Mary Gordon, Atlantic, May 1999�Even with that, Presser was so scared that he fled to Florida and moved from hotel to hotel till the gang war quieted down, with his side on top.

�A. Raskin New York Times Book Review, 10 Dec. 1989��< quiet a crying toddler with candy> �1 : free from noise or uproar

� Jeanne Birdsall, The Penderwicks>�2 : marked by little or no motion or activity : calm < quiet seas>�3 : not disturbed : peaceful �4 : tending not to talk or show excitement much �5 : not shown in quieter meaning obvious way < quiet determination>�6 : away from public view : secluded �hubris, pariahPowell's take on Trump�deplorableClinton: "Basket of deplorables"�sophomoric"It's a sophomoric approach"�Labor DayFrom the folks who brought you the weekend�hagiographyWho caused this spike? � SPANISH CENTRAL� LEARNER'S ESL DICTIONARY� WORDCENTRAL FOR KIDS� VISUAL DICTIONARY� SCRABBLE � WORD FINDER� MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY� BRITANNICA ENGLISH - ARABIC TRANSLATION� NGLISH - SPANISH-ENGLISH TRANSLATION � Browse the Dictionary:� a� b� c� d� e� f� g� h� i� j� k� l� m� n� o� p� q� r� s� t� u� v� w� x� y� z� 0-9� Home�noun� ??? ( m) [caina]� ????????? [ni?sabdata]� ??????? ( m) [visrama]� ????? ( f) [santi]� ??? ( m) [sukha]� ??????? ( f) [sthirata]� ?????????? [avyakulata]� ???? ( m) [ananda]� ???? ( m) [arama]� ?????? ????? [a?ambara sun'ya] adjective� ??????? [ni?sabda]� ????????? [nirupadrava]� ?????? [niscala]� ???? [manda]� ???? [mr?du]� ????? [mr?dula]� ???? [virata]� ???? [santa]� ????? [santa]� ?????? [santi]� ???? [sada]� ????? [sthira]� ???????? [nistabdha]� ???? [nirava]� ??? [acala]� ???? [abha?ga]� ???????? [avyakula]� ?????? [gambhira]� ?????? ????? [a?ambara sun'ya]� ?????? [cupacapa] Inflected forms quieter (adjective comparative) quietest (adjective superlative) quiets (noun plural) quieted (verb past tense) quieting (verb present participle) quiets (verb present tense) Definitions and Meaning of quiet in English adjective� of the sun characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sunspots e.g.� (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy wavesExamples- the quiet waters of a lagoon- a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky- a smooth channel crossing- scarcely a ripple on the still water- unruffled water� in a softened toneExamples- muted trumpets- a subdued whisper- a quiet reprimand� not showy or obtrusive� free of noise or uproar; or making little if any soundExample- the room was dark and quiet� characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activityExamples- a quiet throng of onlookers- quiet peace-loving people- the factions remained quiet for almost 10 yearsadverb� with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly')Examples- the rock star was quietly led out the back door- sit here as quiet as you cannoun� a disposition free from stress or emotion� the absence of soundExample- the street was quiet� an untroubled state; free from disturbances� a period of calm weatherverb� make calm or still� become quiet or quieter Follow us on FacebookSynonyms of quietplacidity, quiet, repose, serenity, tranquility, tranquillity, silence, lull, calm, calm down, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize, hush, pipe down, quiesce, quiet down, placid, smooth, tranquil, unruffled, hushed, muted, subdued, restrained Antonyms of quietactive, noisy, unquiet More matches for quiet verb quiet down???? ?? ????quiet down??????? ?? ????quiet down??? ????quieten????quieten???? ????quieten???? ????quieten???? ?? ????noun quieten???? ?? ????quietism????quietism???quietism?????quietism?????????????quietness??????????quietness??????quietness???????quietness?????quietness??????quietness?????adverb quietly??????quietly????quietly????-????quietly???????????quietly????? ??quietly???? ??quietly????? ??quietly????? ??quietly?????????? ??? ??quietly????????? ??? ??quietly???? ???? ??quietly???? ????? ??Information provided on quietMeaning and definitions of quiet, translation in Hindi language for quiet with similar and opposite words.

Also find spoken pronunciation of quiet in Hindi and in English language. Tags for the entry "quiet"What quiet means in Hindi, quiet meaning in Hindi, quiet definition, examples and pronunciation of quiet in Hindi language. � DICTIONARY� THESAURUS� GRAMMAR� GRAMMAR A-Z� SPELLING� PUNCTUATION� WRITING HELP� USAGE� EXPLORE� WORD ORIGINS� LANGUAGE QUESTIONS� WORD LISTS� BLOG� More� EXPLORE� WORD ORIGINS� LANGUAGE QUESTIONS� WORD LISTS� BLOG We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website.

By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Continue Find out more � �Microphones can suffer from distortion with very loud signals or from noise with very quiet signals.�� �The only noise in the car was the whisperings of the two in the back seat and the quiet rumble of the engine.�� �Even at this speed the engine was still quiet and there was no road noise; only some intrusive wind noise detracted from the overall silence.�� �A soft noise came from inside, a quiet shuffling and a low muttering.�� �Already, she could hear the quiet, muffled noise of violins and people talking.�� �There is something very peaceful and satisfying about the sound of their quiet munching and the noise of their feet on frosty grass.�� �She awoke to the sound of shuffling feet and many muffled voices whispering in tones too quiet to be heard clearly.�� �There was a quiet humming from the engines, and it quickly put me to sleep.�� �You can reduce this noise by selecting quiet equipment or by mounting the unit on a noise-absorbing base.�� �The house was relatively quiet except for the noise coming from the kitchen.�� �As well as giving an impressive blend of performance and economy, the new engine is also quiet.�� �No more out in the garden for a bit of peace and quiet, just noise and pollution.�� �The air was hot, the night still, and, but for the gentle noises of the river, all was quiet.�� �He kept his disappointments to himself, a quiet murmur of disapproval usually being as far as it went.�� �Even at these speeds, engine noise was quiet, with only small amounts of road and wind noise.�� �Earphones are put over your ears and quiet clicking noises are played to each ear.�� �The first thing that strikes you is the contrast between the quiet and loud noises.�� �He pulled the trembling girl into his quieter meaning, smoothing her hair and making quiet shushing noises.�� �Rich foliage, soft lighting and the quiet hum of the other diners' conversations create a welcoming ambience.�� �He woke up with a start and realized that he had heard a quiet noise outside his door.� � �When you really want to talk to someone you want to sit together in a quiet place and talk, not to be in the midst of a crowd of other people.�� �It's a quiet place and I like to be in a quiet place after a day's work.�� �When you study on your own find a quiet place, like in your room.�� �Yet, not all places were quiet and devoid of activity on Tuesday.�� �It gives apprentices exposure to different employers and employers some flexibility during quiet periods of inactivity.�� �This is the second year in a row that the quiet period between Christmas Day and New Year's Day has been shattered by a disaster.�� �Even yesterday, when the roads were relatively quiet, stationary traffic stretched the length of Kingshill.�� �House prices in east-central Scotland rallied at the end of last year despite a traditionally quiet period for sales, new figures reveal.�� �Roman Lancashire was a quiet place, but not the back water that some historians have made of it.�� �According to the sources, the cuts were made to increase demand during one of the market's more quiet periods.�� �Normally, it is a very quiet place to live with little activity, but at race time it gets very busy.�� �The place is quiet, and I'm kinda excited to have my space back, but not excited enough to be glad they're gone.�� �Situated on a quiet road off Botanic Avenue, this period property is close to numerous shops, schools and amenities.�� �Until yesterday, this was a quiet place, even while the people on either side were clearly distressed by a new and awkward tension.�� �One resident, who did not want to be named, said she had lived in the street for 11 years and it was a lovely, quiet place to live.�� �She also blames the row on the media desperately looking for an argument in the quiet holiday period.�� �That has changed as the island has tried to transform its carnival into an event which will bring visitors to the island during a usually quiet period.�� �It's a snug, quiet place with terraced lawns leading down to the Island's best sandy beaches.�� �By the time the outcome is known, we will have entered the traditionally quiet summer period that usually lasts from May to September.�� �The company has been through a quiet period over the past few years with few new models, but that is all changing with no fewer than a dozen new models due to arrive in the next five years.�� 1.2 Without being disturbed or interrupted. � �Many travellers are denied the opportunity to enjoy a quiet drink, she added.�� �Already, a quiet drink in the pub is forever interrupted by people

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